
With the magnificent amount of information present on web, it is very important to identify whether the search engine satisfy all the requirements of users by their search results. So, it is necessary to evaluate search engines based on user point of view. Basically evaluation of search engines is a process of determining how well the search engines meet the information need of users. In this paper we present our approach of search engine evaluation which is based upon page level keywords. Page level keywords are the keywords found in individual pages of a website. Page level keyword is an important factor to measure the relevancy of the search engine results. The result set retrieved by search engines are containing a huge number of useless web pages. Users may have to sift through dirt's in order to find gemstones or to rethink his query. So our work can be a basis to provide more relevant search results to the users. Three Search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing are evaluated based on educational queries in accordance with page level keywords. We verify the results with precision measurement using 40 educational queries at cut off 10.

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