
During the last few decades, the economically important eel (Anguilla anguilla) fishery with fyke nets along the Swedish west coast has been subjected to damage caused by harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). To protect fyke nets from seals, the netting in the fish bags was replaced with stronger material. The level of damage decreased when fishing with modified fyke nets, compared with when traditional fyke nets were used. The stronger fyke nets were, however, still exposed to a notable level of attack from seals, even if the resulting damage was minor compared with that suffered by the standard fyke nets. There was no difference in the catch per unit effort when comparing the most effective modified fyke nets with the standard fyke nets. By testing exclusively modified fyke nets in certain areas, and only standard fyke nets in other fishing areas some distance away, the levels of damage were reduced in the areas with only modified fyke nets. By replacing traditional fyke nets with modified fyke nets, fishermen can make it less profitable for seals to use fyke nets as food stores, with less gear damage and zero catch losses as a result. Using modified fyke nets in the commercial eel fishery is both practical and rewarding for the fishermen.

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