
Data gathered by recent “Islas Orcadas” cruises reveal the seafloor spreading pattern for a region south of the Agulhas/Falkland fracture zone system. The presence of a magnetic anomaly bight about the Agulhas Plateau indicates that the Agulhas Plateau may have developed at the site of a tectonic plate triple junction during the Late Cretaceous. A westward jump in the seafloor spreading center during the Late Maestrichtian (anomaly 34−31) reduced the offset across the Falkland/Agulhas fracture zone system and resulted in the formation of two conjugate aseismic ridges here described as the Meteor and Islas Orcadas Rises. The magnetic lineation pattern in the Agulhas Basin suggests that a tectonic plate (Malvinas Plate) existed during Campanian to Maestrichtian times. Relative rates of motion are calculated for Antarctica, South America, and Africa for the Late Cretaceous.

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