
Seabird and marine-mammal attendance and by-catch in mid-water and bottom otter semi-industrial coastal pair-trawl fisheries were assessed for the first time in northern Argentina. Observers were placed onboard trawlers between autumn 2007 and autumn 2008. Fifteen marine top-predator species were associated with the vessels. The most abundant and frequent seabirds (trawl fisheries combined) were the kelp gull, Larus dominicanus (~70% of total birds and >96% occurrence), and the Olrog’s gull, L. atlanticus (~12% and >50%, respectively). Other seabird taxa such as Procellariiforms and Sphenisciforms, among others, were represented in very low numbers. The only mammal species recorded was the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens (1% and 2%, respectively). Analysis of environmental and operational variability affecting the abundance of gulls indicated a significant increase in abundance with fishing depth, time of day, seasonality, wind intensity and wind direction. Incidental mortality of top predators was low and comprised only Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus, in the mid-water gear. The results of the present study showed that the semi-industrial trawl fisheries operating in coastal waters in northern Argentina may a have a relatively minor impact on marine top-predator populations, at least in terms of incidental capture.

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