
The Japan Sea was profoundly different during glacial times than today. Available δ 18O evidence indicates that sea surface salinity was lower by several per mil. This probably increased the stability of the water column and caused anoxic sedimentary conditions in the deep sea, as shown by the absence of benthic microfossils and the presence of laminated sediment. These changes are likely related to the effects of late Quaternary sea-level change on the shallow sills (ca. 130 m) across which the Japan Sea exchanges with the open ocean. The Hwang He (Yellow River) has previously been implicated as the source of fresh water to the Japan Sea during glaciation, but the possible roles of the Amur River and excess precipitation over evaporation must also be considered. Ambiguous radiocarbon chronologies for the latest Quaternary of Japan Sea cores do not adequately constrain the timing of salinity lowering. Previous studies have suggested that lowest sea surface salinity was achieved 27,000 to 20,000 14C yr B.P. However, if global sea-level fall restricted exchange with the open ocean circulation, then lowest salinity in the Japan Sea may have occurred as recently as 15,000 to 20,000 yr ago when sea level was lowest. If this alternative is correct, then as sea level abruptly rose about 12,000 yr ago, relatively fresh water must have been discharged to the open Pacific. This might have affected the dynamics of outflow, local faunal and floral expression of the polar front, and stable isotope ratios in foraminifera. These environmental changes could be misinterpreted as evidence for the cooling of Younger Dryas age, which has not been identified in nearby terrestrial records.

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