
In this paper we introduce s-degenerate curves in Lorentzian space forms as those ones whose derivative of order s is a null vector provided that s>1 and all derivatives of order less than s are space-like (see the exact definition in Section 2). In this sense classical null curves are 1-degenerate curves. We obtain a reference along an s-degenerate curve in an n-dimensional Lorentzian space with the minimum number of curvatures. That reference generalizes the reference of Bonnor for null curves in Minkowski space–time and it will be called the Cartan frame of the curve. The associated curvature functions are called the Cartan curvatures of the curve. We characterize the s-degenerate helices (i.e. s-degenerate curves with constant Cartan curvatures) in n-dimensional Lorentzian space forms and we obtain a complete classification of them in dimension four.

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