
The color and structure of urban constructions is a factor of urban landscape and shows their characteristics. Hence the modern buildings deal with their materials and external appearance as an important factor, making up the urban image. But it was nearby impossible to evaluate the value of visual landscape with objective measuring method. Most of all, it depends on the subjective estimation of a few talented or high educated experts with a sense of beauty. Such kinds of estimation can in some cases include arbitrary interpretations. In relation to this kind of problems, it is tried here in this study to analyse the human response of brain wave pattern (EEG) with use of SD method, while the tested persons watch the urban landscape scenery constructed in a visual reality. The tested persons were 20 adult male and female with no color blindness and intact cognitive function. Light source with color filter was used for color environment in a dark soundproof chamber. The signal of EEG is analysed digitally and grouped into the <TEX>${\alpha}$</TEX> and <TEX>${\beta}$</TEX> waves. The result showed that relative power of <TEX>${\alpha}$</TEX> wave ratio increased in the natural landscape scenery with blue and green color. From these results it was possible to evaluate the human response, which is affected by urban and natural color and structure stimulation and it might be useful as an indicator of visual cognition amenity toward the design of urban construction environment.

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