
The Scully field is a multipay new-field discovery located in the southern end of Salina basin, Marion County, Kansas. Since discovery in November of 1981, R. J. Walker Oil Co., Inc., has drilled and completed successfully 15 wells within the field. Productive depths are < 3,300 ft (1,000 m) and production capabilities of individual wells can exceed 300 bbl of oil/day (24 hr gauges). Oil is trapped structurally within the Viola and Simpson units (Ordovician) and trapped by a combination of erosional truncation and structure in the Mississippian units. The Scully field was discovered using a combination of satellite imagery and subsurface control. Structural lineaments recognized from satellite imagery in conjunction with an understanding of the structural timing and framework of the Salina basin enabled the definition of the structural unit which contains the Scully field. Subsurface control prior to discovery, although relatively sparse, was sufficient in light of these structural elements to define the prospective area of the Scully structure. Subsequent drilling has not altered significantly the potentially productive area. The overall trapping mechanism at the Scully field is anticlinal closure. Infield drilling has demonstrated, however, that significant stratigraphic variations do exist within the productive area. The stratigraphic variations within the Ordovician reservoirs are controlled strongly by paleostructure. The Simpson sands have been subdivided in five separate units which range from 4 to 12 ft (1 to 4 m) in thickness. Three of these are of economic importance in the field. In general, the sands with the most economic potential are distributed within relative Ordovician paleolows. Core analysis demonstrates that pay intervals have porosities of 14 to 18% and permeabilities of 200 to 500 md (air) (Whole Core Dean-Stark Analysis). The Viola has four main lithologic divisions. The uppermost of these is a relatively thin dolomite cap which ranges from 2 to 15 ft (1 to 5 m). This upper dolomite is the primary Viola pay zone. Core analysis indicates that this interval has porosities of 6 to 12% and permeabilities of 30 to 140 md (air) (Whole Core Dean-Stark Analysis). In general, this dolomite is best developed on the Ordovician paleohighs. The Mississippian section is eroded deeply over the Scully structure and demonstrates about 70 ft (20 m) of thinning. The potential pay interval is chert which has 25 to 30% porosity based on log analysis. The pay interval is absent over the portion of the field that is highest on present-day structure at the Ordovician level. The trapping mechanism is a combination of erosional truncation and structural closure. In addition to the structural information obtained from satellite imagery, R. J. Walker Oil Co., Inc., evaluated the hydrocarbon potential of T18S, R1E, Marion County, Kansas, which contains the Scully field, using remote sensing technology developed by Earth Reference Systems of Long Beach, California. The technology involves direct detection of hydrocarbons in place, using satellite data, nonlinear mathematics, and the fundamental principles of molecular structure and electromagnetic wave propagation. This analysis was made several months after the discovery well had been drilled in the Scully field. The conformance of these data within the structural and geologic confines of the Scully field after 14 development wells drilled by R. J. Walker Oil Co., Inc., and two recent dry holes rilled by outside operators, provides an interesting glimpse at technology that may revolutionize the way the oil and gas industry searches for new reserves. End_of_Article - Last_Page 1327------------

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