
We consider the extension of the Standard Model (SM) with an inert Higgs doublet that also contains two or three sets of SU(2)L triplet fermions with hypercharge zero and analyze the stability of electroweak vacuum for the scenarios. The model represents a Type-III inverse seesaw mechanism for neutrino mass generation with a Dark matter candidate. An effective potential approach calculation with two-loop beta function have been carried out in deciding the fate of the electroweak vacuum. Weak gauge coupling g2 shows a different behaviour as compared to the Standard Model. The modified running of g2, along with the Higgs quartic coupling and Type-III Yukawa couplings become crucial in determining the stability of electroweak vacuum. The interplay between two and three generations of such triplet fermions reveals that extensions with two generations is favoured if we aspire for Planck scale stability. Bounds on the Higgs quartic couplings, Type-III Yukawa and number of triplet fermion generations are drawn for different mass scale of Type-III fermions. The phenomenologies of inert doublet and Type-III fermions at the LHC and other experiments are commented upon.

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