
Lelang Ikan mobile application is an online auction in the marketplace platform of Pasar Iwak based on Android platform. Scrum framework is applied and consists of determining the product backlog, creating sprint planning and sprint backlogs, and conducting sprint reviews and sprint retrospectives. The product backlog resulted 14 backlog items based on the results of system and user requirements for user auctioneers. Sprint planning and sprint backlog are divided into four sprints, namely front-end and back-end development, system integration process and system implementation. Sprint reviews are carried out by implementing two types of testing, namely blackbox testing and user acceptance testing (UAT). Blackbox testing emphasizes testing application functions or features, while UAT is applied to measure the level of user acceptance. The results of blackbox testing showed that the features provided by the application are in accordance with the predetermined requirements. Whereas UAT showed the result of 66.8%, which means that the application is in the appropriate category and can be accepted by users. The application development process ends at the sprint retrospective stage which is a suggestion or feedback after the application testing. The suggestions obtained are in the form of adding tracking features, payment features with payment gateways, and application development with the iOS platform.

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