
Heritability estimates for scrotal circumference and testicular tone at weaning (225 d) and yearling (365 d) were determined from records on 565 bulls from a purebred Angus herd; year, station and breed effects were determined from scrotal circumference records on 2,420 bulls at five tests stations. Year, breed and breed X year effects on scrotal circumference, length, width and volume were determined from records on 347 bulls at one station. Heritability estimates (+/- SE) were .60 +/- .17, .28 +/- .18 and .25 +/- .18 for weaning scrotal circumference, right and left tone, and .38 +2- .16, .72 +/- .18 and .52 +/- .17 for yearling scrotal circumference, right and left tone, respectively. With the exception of low negative correlations of 205-d weight and longissimus muscle area with yearling scrotal circumference (-01 and -.02, respectively), correlations of growth and live-estimated carcass traits with weaning or yearling scrotal dimensions were low and positive (0.8 to .35). In the second data set, Simmental and Angus had greater (p less than .01) yearling scrotal circumferences than Charolais or Herefords; means were 35.3, 35.0, 33.7 and 33.5 cm, respectively. Station and station x breed effects were significant (P less than .01), with the latter effect indicating that breeds did not rank similarly in scrotal circumference at different test stations. In the third data set, scrotal circumference and volume were essentially the same as scrotal length and width in ranking breeds. year X breed interactions were nonsignificant for all scrotal traits, indicating that breeds were ranked similar in different years with respect to scrotal dimensions. These results indicate that bulls of different breeds should not be compared to established standards; a more acceptable procedure would be the use of deviations from the respective breed-station-year means.

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