
In shrimp, hemocytes play an important role in detoxification and immune defense, and are where nitrite accumulates during exposure to this toxic environmental pollutant. However, the heterogeneity mechanisms of toxicity have not been reported under nitrite expose in shrimp. Here, we used single-cell RNA-seq to resolve 24,000 cells, which the responses of different cell populations of hemocytes under nitrite exposure in Penaeus vannamei. We identified 394 specific nitrite-responsive genes in 9 clusters of hemocytes, and found heterogeneity in the nitrite response of the three subpopulations of hemocytes (hyaline, semi-granular and granular cells). In hyaline, the response appeared modest, whereas nitrite-related dysregulation of metabolic processes in granular and semi-granular was pronounced. Ammonia nitrogen will rapidly accumulate in hemocytes of shrimp under nitrite stress. In semi-granular, excessive ammonia will interfere with oxidative phosphorylation and antioxidant system, thus inducing the production of reactive oxygen species. In granular, the abnormality of urea cycle caused by ammonia accumulation is the main toxic factor, which by inhibits arginase and arginine kinase. Collectively, our data provide a single-cell atlas for the dissection of shrimp hemocyte complexity, and reveal the toxicity mechanisms associated with nitrite exposure.

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