
What part the Scriptures play in determining sexual ethics is a complex question. In the case of homosexuality, a whole array of elaborately reasoned opinions is currently available. The overall conclusion must be to disqualify the Scriptures from the discussion, for their teaching is highly debated. Still, if not in their specific prescriptions then in the attitude they embody, the Scriptures must remain relevant. Yet emphasis on the biblical attitude implies a new vision of Christianity—wherein historical-critical method becomes the Christian way and Fundamentalist literalism is discredited as unchristian; Christian and naturalistic ethics coincide; the Methodist quadrilateral summarizes the Christian process of ethical decision-making; and not only lesbians and gays, but all people of good will, are embraced. At stake in the Christian debate over homosexuality is the nature of Christianity itself. These issues are relevant to anyone doing pastoral ministry and anyone concerned about contemporary culture.

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