
Subterranean clovers (Trifolium brachycalycinum Katzn. and Morley, T. subterraneum L., and T. yanninicum Katzn. & Morley) contain phytoestrogenic isoflavones. High levels of these compounds are responsible for sheep (Ovis aries) reproductive disorders. Our objective was to screen the available subterranean and rose clover (T. hirtum All.) germplasm from the USDA Plant Introduction collection for isoflavone content. Clover plants were grown in the greenhouse and sampled when the seedlings were 42‐d old. Leaves were extracted with methanol (7 d at 5 °C) and analyzed using highperformance liquid chromatography techniques. Isoflavones were very low (<0.2 g kg−1) or not detectable in rose clover. Total isoflavone levels in subterranean clover ranged from 0.1 to 18.5 g kg−1. The information generated in this study will aid in identification of subterranean clover lines with low isoflavone traits.

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