
Danish women-who were HPV-vaccinated as girls-are now reaching an age where they are invited to cervical cancer screening. Because of their expected lower cervical cancer risk, we must reassess our screening strategies. We analyzed Danish HPV-vaccinated women's outcomes after the first screening test at age 23. Our study was embedded in Danish routine cytology-based screening. We conducted an observational study and included women born in 1994, offered the 4-valent HPV vaccine at age 14, and subsequently invited to screening at age 23. Cervical cytology was used for diagnostics and clinical management. Residual material was HPV tested with Cobas® 4800/6800. The most severe histology diagnosis within 795 days of screening was found through linkage with the Danish National Pathology Register. We calculated the number of women undergoing follow-up (repeated testing and/or colposcopy) per detected cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2+). A total of 6021 women were screened; 92% were HPV-vaccinated; 12% had abnormal cytology; 35% were high-risk HPV-positive, including 0.9% HPV16/18 positive, and 20% had follow-up. In women that were cytology-abnormal and HPV-positive (Cyt+/HPV+), 610 (98.5%) had been followed up, and 138 CIN2+ cases were diagnosed, resulting in 4.4 (95% CI 3.9-5.2) women undergoing follow-up per detected CIN2+. In contrast to recommendations, 182 (12.2%) cytology-normal and HPV-positive (Cyt-/HPV+) women were followed up within 795 days, and 8 CIN2+ cases were found, resulting in 22.8 (95% CI 13.3-59.3) women undergoing follow-up per detected CIN2+. Overall, HPV prevalence was high in HPV-vaccinated women, but HPV16/18 had largely disappeared. In the large group of cytology-normal and HPV-positive women, 23 had been followed up per detected CIN2+ case. Our data indicated that primary HPV screening of young HPV-vaccinated women would require very effective triage methods to avoid an excessive follow-up burden. Trial registration number: NCT0304955.

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