
Extracts of 121 medicinal and ornamental plants were screened for insecticidal and growth regulating activity to milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus Dallas. The most effective extracts stemmed from Inula helenium L., Rumex crispus L., R. acetosa L., Asarum europaeum L., and Calendula officinalis L. All these extracts exerted growth inhibiting activities and moderate or low acute toxicity. Most promising were extracts of dried roots of I. helenium. Besides a moderate chronic toxicity which reduced the fitness of the milkweed bug, the treatment produced overaged nymphs, supernumerary nymphs, disturbances of the moulting process, morphological defects, delay of adult maturation and reduction of fecundity. In addition, I. helenium extracts had a strong antifeedant effect when topically applied and very strong repellent effect when applied to the food (peeled sunflower kernels). It is obvious that the extract contains several active constituents. Such a cocktail may reduce the threat of rapid resistance development.

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