
Antioxidants play an important role in human health by performing various functions, including anticancer. Among antioxidants, the most common are polyphenols, including anthocyanins, the main sources, of which are berries and fruits. Red grape wines are a potentially important source of antioxidants, and red wine polyphenols have anticancer and antioxidant effects and have a positive effect on blood red blood cells. This is obviously related to the so-called "French paradox" of wine, because the regular consumption of dry red wine by the French dramatically reduces the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
 Transcarpathia has long traditions of grape wines production, known aboard of the country. This was facilitated by special climatic conditions, soil factors of the grape provinces of Transcarpathia and the skill of the winemakers. In this work we report, a high total content of polyphenolic compounds and anthocyanins in red wines derived from European grape varieties based on the screening of antioxidant content in traditional wines of Transcarpathia. Wines from grapes of the hybrid variety "Isabella" and European varieties "Merlot" and "Cabernet Sauvignon" were studied in three main wine-growing regions of the region. Among the studied red wines (harvested in 2020), the highest total content of polyphenolic compounds is observed in wine from Merlot grapes (2.75 g´L-1), which was obtained in Berehove district. In the same wine, there is the highest total content of anthocyanins (0.715 g´L-1, is 26% of the gross content of polyphenols). Such wine can have a high anti-cancer effect, and its consumption in moderate amounts will have a preventive effect on human health. At the same time, it is shown that the antioxidant properties of red grape wines persist for a short time after uncorking the bottles.

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