
Relevance. Currently, the use of secondary plant-orgin metabolites with high biological activity is becoming an important part of a comprehensive plant protection program. The mechanism of their action is aimed at activating molecular biological and physiological systems that increase the ability of the plant organism to withstand the adverse effects of biotic and abiotic nature. The purpose of these studies is to screen the selectivity of the physiological activity of phytoregulators in relation to different varieties of vegetable beans.Methodology. Plants of two mid-ripening varieties of vegetable beans were twice sprayed with solutions of plant biological products of different chemical composition, isolated from 12 plant species of different families. Control – treatment with water, standards - solutions of Pharmayod and Fitolavin. During the growing season, an analysis of the development of diseases of various etiologies on seed crops was carried out. Seed productivity of plants was taken into account after harvesting and threshing the beans, the sowing qualities of the obtained seeds were studied in accordance with the relevant recommendations and GOST 12042-80, and the biological effectiveness (BE) of the action of phytopreparations was calculated.Results. Two-fold treatment of beans with most of the tested preparations reduced the total percentage of affected plants by more than 25%. The protective effect of the studied glycosides differed significantly depending on their chemical structure, disease etiology and cultivar responsiveness. Among them, there are preparations based on steroidal glycosides - Moldstim and Mestim, which have the most pronounced immunomodulatory effect on the resistance of vegetable beans to phytopathogens. Treatment with Mestim in the selected concentration led to a decrease in seed productivity of plants. Other phytopreparations showed a neutral or stimulating effect on this trait, increasing the proportion of germinating seeds in the yield structure by 3-26% relative to control. The certain varietal specificity has been identified by the total effectiveness of the action. Irioid glycosides from Linaria genistifolia and the sum of iridoids and flavonoids from Linaria vulgaris showed the greatest activity on the responsive cultivar Lika. On the SiBemol variety, there is Moldstim, a steroidal glycoside of the furostanol series, isolated from Capsicum annuum. Their biological effectiveness was higher than that of Fitolavin and Pharmayod standards.

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