
A total of 754 persons randomly selected from the age group 55-64 years were invited by letter to take part in a screening for hematuria, proteinuria and glucosuria. Each person was asked to provide one sample of morning urine and immediately mail it to the laboratory. A total of 413 persons (55%) responded. Two dipsticks: BM-Test-5L and a new single strip for hematuria determination preliminary named BM 33075 were used, both manufactured by Boehringer Mannheim GmbH. The test strips gave positive reaction for hematuria in 21 persons (5.1%), for proteinuria in 14 persons (3.4%), and for glucosuria in six persons (1.5%). All persons with positive tests were invited to follow-up investigations. In the hematuria group we found one person with a malignant disease, 13 with benign conditions and in seven persons we found no reason for the hematuria. Among those with proteinuria one person had a nephritis. Four persons with glucosuria knew about their diabetes mellitus. The cost of the screening was NOK 99 per participant.

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