
Eating disorders (EDs)aredefined asdisturbances inhealth and psychosocial functioning.They are more predominant in young andadultwomenand can start at an early age and continue into adulthood. These types ofmentalillnesses can be prevented withproper training. However, thereisa significant lack ofunderstanding ofEDs among teachers. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the prevalenceratesof EDsamong femalehighschool students in Makkah city. We surveyed 384 femalestudents from high schools in Makkah city in this cross-sectional study using a validated questionnaireadapted from apreviously published study after translating it into Arabic. Mostof thestudentshad suffered anED (n=211, 54.4%), while 45.6% hadnot.There was an insignificantrelation betweenthefrequency of EDsandparticipants' age, nationality, family history of ED, andawarenessofEDs(P-value, 0.158, 0.486, 0.671, and 0.718, respectively). Further studiesare needed toevaluatethe understanding of EDsamong the general populationas well as assesstheprevalenceratesof EDsamong larger female populations.

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