
Successful fruit set depends on several reproductive processes including pollen germination and tube growth processes. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of temperature on pollen germination characteristics and to identify species/genotypic differences in Capsicum using the cumulative temperature response index (CTRI) concept. Pollen was collected from plants of seven genotypes from five Capsicum species, adapted to various parts of the world and grown outdoors in large pots. The pollen was subjected to in vitro temperatures ranging from 15 to 50 °C at 5 °C intervals. Pollen germination and tube lengths were recorded for all species after 24 h of incubation at the respective treatments. Species/genotypes differed significantly for in vitro pollen germination percentage and pollen tube length with mean values of 78% and 734 μm, respectively. The mean cardinal temperatures ( T min , T opt , and T max ) averaged over genotypes, were 15.2, 30.7, and 41.8 °C for pollen germination and 12.2, 31.2, and 40.4 °C for pollen tube growth. The CTRI of each species/genotype calculated as the sum of eight relative individual stress response values, such as maximum pollen germination, maximum pollen tube length; T min , T opt , and T max temperatures of pollen germination, and pollen tube lengths, identified species tolerance to high temperatures. Capsicum annum cv. Mex Serrano from Mexico was identified as tolerant, C. chacoense cv. 1312 and C. spp. cv. Cobanero from Argentina and Guatemala, respectively as intermediate and C. frutescens cv. Early Spring Giant from China, C. annum cv. Long Green from South Korea , C. spp. cv. NM89C130 and C. pubescens cv. 90002 from Guatemala as sensitive to high temperatures. The tolerant species/genotypes can be used in breeding programs to develop new genotypes that can withstand high temperature conditions both in the present climate and particularly in a future warmer climate.

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