
Since autumn-sown faba beans possess several advantages including higher seed yield over the spring cultivars, the study was aimed to screen and select cold tolerant accessions of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) and compare these to wild species in the highland of the west Mediterranean region, Turkey. A total of 114 accessions of Vicia species including 109 accessions of faba bean, three accessions of narbon bean (V. narbonensis L.) and two accessions of V. montbretii Fisch. et C.A. Mey. were screened for cold tolerance at seedling stage in two successive years, 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 growth seasons. Accessions were evaluated for cold tolerance using a 1 (Highly cold tolerant)-5 (Highly cold susceptible) visual scale. Considerable variation was found for cold tolerance and some agronomical characteristics in faba beans. Wild relatives of faba bean were found to be more tolerant to cold than those of cultivated faba beans. Although some pigmented accessions were free from freezing damage at −9.6°C without snow cover, accessions with white flowers were damaged. The proposed screening technique could easily be used to evaluate many faba bean accessions for cold tolerance. To increase yield, it was concluded that the cold tolerant accessions with high yield could be grown as autumn-sown crop in the target environment.

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