
SCRAPPER is an E3 ubiquitin ligase expressed in presynaptic terminals, neural cell body, and dendrites of the hippocampus and cortex, which is coded by the FBXL20 gene. SCRAPPER is known to regulate synaptic transmissions and long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus, but no report is available for the cortex. Here we show genetic evidence for critical roles of SCRAPPER in excitatory transmission and presynaptic LTP (pre-LTP) of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a critical cortical region for pain, anxiety, and fear. Miniature and spontaneous releases, but not evoked release, of glutamate were significantly increased in SCRAPPER knock-out (SCR-KO) mice. Interestingly, SCRAPPER selectively contributes to the increases of frequency and amplitude. The pre-LTP in the ACC was completely blocked in SCR-KO mice. Our results thus provide direct evidence for SCRAPPER in both spontaneous release and pre-LTP in the ACC and reveal a potential novel target for treating anxiety-related disease.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) plays critical roles in pain, anxiety, and fear. Peripheral injury induces long-term changes in synaptic transmission in the ACC. Our recent study found that a presynaptic form of LTP (pre-LTP) in the ACC contributes to chronic pain-induced anxiety. Here, we show that SCRAPPER plays a critical role in ACC pre-LTP as well as synaptic transmission.

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