
FOUR years ago Klemm (1926, pp. 111–15) showed that the 1 so-calledbeerbachites and gabbro-porphyrites of the Odenwald are not, as was previously supposed, dykes cutting the Frankenstein gabbro, but hornfelsed (granulitized) inclusions in the gabbro. Within the last few months has appeared the Geological Survey Memoir on the last ofthe great Tertiary igneous complexes that awaited detailed study in Western Scotland (Richey and Thomas, 193Oa). In this publication the authors have given much new information on the nature and mode of occurrence of pyroxenegranulite hornfelses associated with gabbros. Similar rocks are well known from the earlier work of Harker, Thomas, Bailey and others, on the Tertiary gabbros of Skye and Mull (Harker, 1904; Thomas and Bailey, 1924).

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