
Scorpions, spiders and solpugids are generalist predators on the same types of arthropod prey. However, these potential competitors also frequently eat one another (=intraguild predation). In a 29 mo. experiment, >6,000 scorpions were removed from 300 (10x10m) quadrats. Significantly more spiders (but not solpugids) occurred in removal versus control quadrats. Two alternate hypotheses potentially explain this result: exploitation competition for jointly exploited prey or intraguild predation. There was no evidence of exploitation competition: no differences existed between removal and control quadrats in prey abundance or spider size and reproductive characteristics. It appears that the release from predation pressure in areas from which scorpions were removed produced the observed increase in spider abundance. Current ecological theory does not fully apply to situations whereby species at the same trophic level interact as both predators and potential competitors.

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