
Prophylactic lymph node dissection is considered only for papillary cancers. It is not indicated for vesicular cancers or oncocytic cancers, nor should it entail a secondary surgical intervention in the event of an incidental discovery of papillary cancer on a thyroidectomy specimen. Prophylactic lymph node dissection means a cervical lymph node dissection in the absence of any pre- or intraoperative evidence (biological, cytological, histological, clinical or ultrasound) of lymph node metastases. There is currently no evidence in the literature that prophylactic central dissection improves overall survival, which is similar for N0 and NX patients. Yet although prophylactic lymph node dissection is not justified by overall survival, it does seem to reduce the risk of locoregional recurrence in the case of micro-N1, and it allows occult metastases to be detected and a tumour to be reclassified. This enables patients at risk of recurrence to be more surely identified and therapeutic strategy and follow-up adapted accordingly. Prophylactic homolateral central lymph node dissection is warranted for papillary cancers with largest ultrasound diameter 4cm and above and/or with intraoperative macroscopic evidence of perithyroid tissue invasion. The benefits and risks of lymph node dissection must be assessed and discussed on a case-by-case basis. Only a central lymph node dissection homolateral to the tumour is recommended, except for bilateral or isthmic cancers, for which a prophylactic bilateral central lymph node dissection may be considered. This bilateral lymph node dissection incurs an increased risk of complications (parathyroids, recurrent laryngeal nerve). Prophylactic lateral lymph node dissection is not recommended.

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