
Topicality. While digital revolution in every field and sector of economy, including marketing is fait accompli, a proper conceptualisation thereof is still far from being definitely provided. In this context the need for simultaneously more accurate and general understanding of marketing system development as well as for effective regulation of their growth and change is widely recognised. The situation with macromarketing in digital is much the same. Digital marketing in so far has mostly been scrutinised as a set of tools at the level of a firm. This article represents an attempt to shape it as a marketing system within service economy, the value in which is created by co-creation, and the theoretical basis is represented by the logic of service dominance (S-D logic). Aim and tasks. The article addresses the scope and tasks of digital marketing, considered from the point of view of the marketing system at the macro level. Research results. Based on the phenomena of datafication, digitalisation, virtualisation and generativity, as specific features of digital technologies the digital marketing macrosystem is shaped. On the basis of these treats, the vision of specific features of the scope of macromarketing in the digital space is proposed and developed, as well as the comparison of digital marketing as a micro- and a macrosystem is provided. Digital platforms for transactions, creation and access to new digital services, and related to them sharing economy research have been proposed as a central element to digital macromarketing. The concept might be used in further studies aimed at assessing the input of digital marketing onto economy as a whole, or the impact of digital media development on the development and growth of market environment, as well as to develop measures to regulate and stimulate digital marketing development and, through it, the development of the digital economy as a whole. Exploring the forms and conditions of its relationship with other marketing systems and other social subsystems, as well as determining the levels of the hierarchy in it and the interaction between levels, is a promising avenue for research. Some other areas of further research are also suggested. Conclusion. Digital marketing as a macrosystem should focus on the study of functional mechanisms that help expand marketing processes and systems, determine the relationship between value creation and acquisition models and the creation and growth of welfare at the level of the economy as a whole. Given the central place of digital research platforms for the conditions of their origin and functioning depending on socio-economic conditions and development on their basis of the economy of distribution and joint value creation can be an interesting area of further research.


  • This article represents an attempt to shape it as a marketing system within service economy, the value in which is created by co-creation, and the theoretical basis is represented by the logic of service dominance (S-D logic)

  • Digital platforms for transactions, creation and access to new digital services, and related to them sharing economy research have been proposed as a central element to digital macromarketing

  • Digital marketing as a macrosystem should focus on the study of functional mechanisms that help expand marketing processes and systems, determine the relationship between value creation and acquisition models and the creation and growth of welfare at the level of the economy as a whole

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Based on the phenomena of datafication, digitalisation, virtualisation and generativity, as specific features of digital technologies the digital marketing macrosystem is shaped. On the basis of these treats, the vision of specific features of the scope of macromarketing in the digital space is proposed and developed, as well as the comparison of digital marketing as a micro- and a macrosystem is provided. Digital platforms for transactions, creation and access to new digital services, and related to them sharing economy research have been proposed as a central element to digital macromarketing. Exploring the forms and conditions of its relationship with other marketing systems and other social subsystems, as well as determining the levels of the hierarchy in it and the interaction between levels, is a promising avenue for research.

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Цифровий маркетинг на мікрорівні Цифровий макромаркетинг на макрорівні
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