
Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be defined as the imitation of human cognition by a machine or software systems which compile integrate and analyse the data through different modes of learning and problem-solving mechanisms for achieving predefined objectives. Its capacity holds assurance for enhancing the effectiveness of public health initiatives aimed at advancing the well-being of diverse populations. This review article delineates the implementation of AI in the realm of public health, exploring its current applications and discussing potential areas for further development and prospects in future. Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be defined as the imitation of human cognition by a machine or software systems which compile integrate and analyse the data through different modes of learning and problem-solving mechanisms for achieving predefined objectives. Its capacity holds assurance for enhancing the effectiveness of public health initiatives aimed at advancing the well-being of diverse populations. This review article delineates the implementation of AI in the realm of public health, exploring its current applications and discussing potential areas for further development and prospects in future.

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