
Rhinoscleroma is a chronic specific granulomatous inflammatory condition that has an affinity with the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Involvement of the eustachian tube is uncommon. In the present study nasopharyngoscopy was performed in 20 patients with rhinoscleroma to find out the type, nature and site of the lesion at the orifices of the eustachian tube. A lesion involving the eustachian tube was found in six cases (30 per cent). Lesions occurred in the form of atrophic changes with crusting, granuloma and fibrotic thick areas. Involvement of the eustachian tube was found to be associated with intranasal scleroma and was more common at the granulomatous stage. Eustachian tube scleroma had a possible association with subsequent changes in the tympanogram pattern. Nasopharyngoscopy was found to be of therapeutic value in removing the crust, discharge and granulations at the eustachian tube orifices.

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