
This paper provides a quantitative assessment of research output in SAARC countries in the domain of Fishery Science. The primary data for this study have been sourced from Scopus database for the period 1994 to 2021. The findings of the study highlight that a total of 1190 publications of different forms are available with 8820 citations with an average citation per year per document of 1.732 and annual growth of 4 articles per year in the 28 years window. The growth rate of publication is found to be highly consistent. A total of 4784 authors contributed their research items in the period of study and the number of multi-authored or collaborated works are found to be maximum (4750) and only 34 publications are found to be single-authored with a degree of collaboration of 0.99. India is the leading nation among the other SAARC nations with 75.97% of the publication (904 publications) and 8164 citations to those publications. Khan, MA is found to be the author with the highest number of publications (35) but Harikrishnan, R is the most influential author (highest g-index = 27) with 1100 total citations in 27 publications.Aquaculture Research is the journal with maximum publications (66). There exists a significant correlation between h-index and g-index in authors and journals.

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