
Relevance of the research topic. The modern business environment is characterized by a number of properties that determine the nature of the activities of business entities. The influence of all these characteristics is constant and prolonged in time, but the forecasting of the peculiarities of this influence remains rather complicated task for management, which determines the relevance of the essence of strategic changes research at the enterprise and the methodology for their planning and implementation. Formulation of the problem. The of the enterprise direction in the long term traditionally belongs to the sphere of strategic management. A high level of dynamics of the external and internal environment requires the development and implementation of a modern concept of strategic change. Despite the importance and urgency of solving this problem, the formation of a scientific school of strategic changes in science has just begun, so determining the nature of strategic changes and the methodology for managing them requires further analysis and development. Analysis of recent research and publications. In the foreign methodology, the study of organizational changes and the specifics of implementing strategic changes have been carried out over the past 50 years, but in the domestic scientific space these studies began only in the 1990 s. Such foreign scientists were engaged in research on the essence of strategic changes J. Balogun, M. Zundel, D. Gioia, S. Clark, L. Cummings, J. P. Cornelissen, S. Mantere, E. Romanelli, A. A. Sillince, M. Tushman, B. Stal, R. Holt, J. Thomas, K. Chittipeddi, H. Schildt, S. Floyd and others. Among the Ukrainian can be identified: D. Voronkov, A. Grone, I. Liganenko, V. Otenko, I. Topornikov. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The concept of "strategic changes" in the enterprise and the of their properties need to be clarified according to the existing scientific results in the field of strategic management and change management, and based on foreign and domestic concepts of strategic changes. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. The task of the study is to generalize existing approaches to determining the essence of strategic changes, clarify the concepts of "strategy" and "change". The purpose of the study is to develop own definition of the concept of "strategic change". Method or methodology for conducting research. The combination of scientific research methods have been used in the article: analysis and synthesis, logical generalization and comparison, structuring. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The existing approaches to understanding "strategic changes" among domestic and foreign researchers have been generalized. The definition of the concept of "strategy" is given. The essence of the concept of "change" is specified. Own definition of the term "strategic changes" is presented. The field of application of results. The results of this research can be applied in the future scientific search for the formation of strategic changes modern concept that meets the requirements of domestic enterprises. Conclusions according to the article. Strategic changes for domestic enterprises include the development of a management methodology aimed at the proactive strategy formation, including the development of management models, principles, methods and appropriate provision. As a result of strategic changes, an enterprise should create a configuration of the organizational structure, technologies, processes, training procedures and professional development of personnel that in the future must ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise as a reaction to the requirements of the external environment and as a response to its risks.


  • The results of this research can be applied in the future scientific search for the formation of strategic changes modern concept that meets the requirements of domestic enterprises

  • Strategic changes for domestic enterprises include the development of a management methodology aimed at the proactive strategy formation, including the development of management models, principles, methods and appropriate provision

  • As a result of strategic changes, an enterprise should create a configuration of the organizational structure, technologies, processes, training procedures and professional development of personnel that in the future must ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise as a reaction to the requirements of the external environment and as a response to its risks

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Informatsiyni tekhnolohiyi v upravlinni pidpryyemstvom: elektronnyy dokumentoobih [Information technology in enterprise management: electronic document flow]. Вплив всіх цих характеристик є постійним і пролонгованим у часі, але прогнозування особливостей цього впливу залишається достатньо складним для управління завданням, що визначає актуальність дослідження сутності стратегічних змін та підприємстві та методології їх планування та реалізації. Питаннями дослідження сутності стратегічних змін займалися такі закордонні науковці: Дж. Враховуючи існуючі наукові результати у сфері стратегічного менеджменту й управління змінами, та ґрунтуючись на закордонних і вітчизняних концепціях стратегічних змін, вимагає уточнення поняття «стратегічні зміни» на підприємстві та сукупність їх властивостей. Завданням дослідження є узагальнення існуючих підходів до визначення сутності стратегічних змін, уточнення понять «стратегія» та «зміни». Метою дослідження є розробка власного визначення поняття «стратегічні зміни». Результати цього дослідження можуть бути застосовані в подальшому науковому пошуку щодо формування сучасної концепції стратегічних змін, яка відповідає вимогам вітчизняних підприємств. Ключові слова: стратегія, зміни, стратегічні зміни, динамічні можливості, зовнішнє середовище, ціль, контент-аналіз

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