
Introduction: In the Russian Federation, much attention is traditionally paid to military education and training. A special place in its structure is occupied by the system of cadet classes and corps. A distinctive feature of the learning mode in such institutions is a combined effect of standard and specific factors of indoor school environment and intensive physical activity owing to sports, applied military and drill training. No evidence-based methods of establishing nutrient requirements of children in modern conditions of cadet corps have been developed so far, which predetermines the potential of transforming nutrition from a health-saving factor into a health risk factor. Our objective was to provide a scientific substantiation of the model of healthy nutrition for students of cadet-type educational establishments. Methods: The statistical significance of the correlation was evaluated using the Student’s t-test. Correlation and regression analyses were used to assess cause-and-effect relationships. The Pearson correlation coefficient (rxy) was used as an indicator of the strength of the relationship between quantitative indicators x and y, both having a normal distribution. Correlation coefficient (rxy) values were interpreted in accordance with the Chaddock scale. For the purpose of statistical modeling, the method of multiple linear regressions was used. Conclusions: We substantiated the innovative model of organizing healthy nutrition for students of cadet-type schools based on the correlation and regression analyses with determination of statistical significance of the studied characteristics. Its efficiency indicators include an increase in average functional capabilities of students by more than 10 % and a reduction in the probability of developmental disorders by more than 25 %.

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