
Scientific underwater exploration could benefit from professional diving facilities. This could allow marine research for durations far exceeding anything currently possible. The closed-circuit rebreather expansion provides new perspectives by unleashing divers and their diving bell. "Under the Pole Expeditions" developed an innovative compact underwater habitat for this purpose. The habitat's depth was fixed at 20 m. Saturation lasted 3 days and was followed by a 245 min long decompression procedure with mandatory in-water phase. Isolation and environmental constraints will require specific medical and safety procedures. "In situ" medical concerns were considered, and a specific evacuation plan was established. This report describes the medical management of this atypical project and the systematic clinical follow-up mostly targeted on the cardiovascular system, fatigue and psychological tolerance. Seventeen individual saturation exposures were performed. All selected divers were professional. Neither severe illness nor decompression sickness was observed. These short-term saturation exposures appeared to be well tolerated. There was a relatively low bubble grade after decompression. Psychological tolerance appeared good. However, a transient moderate orthostatic hypotension suggested cardiovascular deconditioning after dive. This first experiment demonstrates the interest and feasibility of a shallow revisited saturation dive with rebreather use. This isolation requires medical accompaniment and rigorous preparation. Medical and physiological risks assessment is essential in this context and must be consolidated by new experiences.

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