
Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie u. Pharmacie, Band 170, Heft 1 und 2. This number contains the following papers:—On the chlorides and oxy-chlorides of sulphur, by A. Michaelis. The author describes the compound SCl4 and other chlorides, also an oxy-chloride of the formula S2O5Cl2. He gives tables and curves showing the dissociation of SCl4 which is very rapid between − 20° when 100 per cent, of that body exists and + 6°.2 when only 2.43 per cent, exists as SCl4, the rest consisting of SCl2 and chlorine. SCl2 dissociates much less rapidly, 5.44 Per cent. existing at a temperature of + 120°. Researches on the nature and constitution of gallic acid, by H. Schiff. A correction of the formula of carbazolin, by C. Gräabe.—On capronic acid contained in the crude butyric acid of fermentation, by A. Lieben—On the salts of capronic acid derived from fermentation, by F. Kottal.—On a condensation product of oxybenzoic acid, by L. Barth and C. Senhofer. The author's obtained a body of the formula C14H8O4; two of the hydrogens of this formula are replaceable by metals. The Ba Ca, K and Na salts thus formed are described. On treating the original body with zinc, anthracene was obtained. They propose to call this body Anthraflavon; it is useles as a dye-stuff.—On phenol-trisulphuric acid, by C. Senhofer. The acid is prepared by acting on sulphuric acid with phosphoric anhydride in the presence of phenol; it is a tribasic acid of the formula C6H6S3O10 crystallising with 31/2 molecules of water. Several of its salts are described.—On orthoxylol prepared from liquid brom-toluol, by P. Jannasch and H. Hübner.—On the action of ozone on carburetted hydrogen, by A. Houzeau and A Renard. This is a translation from a paper in the Comptes Rendus, vol. lxxvi., 572.—On dichlorglycide, by A. Claus. This body is prepared by the action of potassic hydrate on trichlorhydrin. On the action of potassic cyanide on dichlorglycide, by the same author.—On ænanthylic acid and normal heptyl alcohol, by Harry Grimshaw and C. Schorlemmer.—On trimethyl acetic acid, by A. Butlerow.—On the dichlor propionic ether from glyceric acid, by Messrs. Werigo and Werner.—Contributions to our knowledge of citric acid; and On baric citraconate, by H. Kämmerer.—On dissociation, by A. Horstmann.—The number concludes with a short reply to Butlerow's paper on trimethyl carbinol, by E. Linnemann.

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