
Annalen der Physik und Chemie, No. 6.—On electric expansion, by G. Quincke.—On the thermal and optical behaviour of gases under the influence of electric discharges, by E. Wiedemann.—On the electro-magnetic rotation of the plane of polarisation of light in gases, by A. Kundt and W. C. Röntgen.—On the theory of inconstant galvanic elements, by F. Exner.—On the specific heat of water, by A. Wüllner.—On the specific heat of mixtures of acetic acid and water, by M. A. von Reiss.—On a changed form of my proof of Maxwell's law of distribution of energy, by O. E. Meyer.—Researches on heat-conduction in liquids (continued), by H. F. Weber.—On anomalous dispersion in glowing sodium-vapour, by A. Kundt.—On a simple method of galvanic calibration of a wire, by V. Strouhal and C. Barus.—Explosive actions by ice, by Ed. Hagenbach.—On the funnel-valve in evacuated tubes, by W. Holtz.

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