
Jahrbuch der k.k. geologischen Reichsanstalt. Band xxiv. Nos. 1 and 2.—The first article in No. 1 is by Dr. A. Redtenbacher, and treats of the stratigraphical relations of the mesozoic formations as developed in the district of G ms, near Hieflau. The second paper, by Dr. C. Doelter, gives so ne account of the Siebenbürgischen metalliferous mountains. The district described lies south of the river Arranyos, between Offenbánya and Bistra, as far as the Maros. The formations developed in this district consist of (1) crystalline, metamorphic, and eruptive rocks (gneiss, crystalline limestone, granite, diorite, syenite); (1) Jurassic and cretaceous (limestone, meliphyre and augite porphyry, sandstone, chalk, &c.); (3) Tertiary (comprising, besides various fossiliferous deposits, such igneous rocks as hornblende-andesite, augite-andesite, basalt); (4) alluvium. A sketch-map accompanies Dr. Doelter's communication.—Herr R. Hörnes contributes a paper entitled “Tertiary Studies,” in which he gives an account of the mollusca met with in various Tertiary deposits (as at Kischeneff, Jenikale, &c.) A number of the species described are new to science. Four excellent plates illustrate the paper.—Dr. E. Mojsisovics, whose comributions to the Jahrbuch are both frequent and valuable, gives us a long paper on the Triassic period in the E st Alps. He discusses the distribution of the Triassic fauna, and shows ttut the formation itself may be divided into zones, each characterised by certain well-marked species; further, he describes at length the nature of the deposits, and points out thit the trias is characterised throughout by the constant presence of poorly fossiliferous limestone and dolomite and richly fossiliferous marl and calcareous marl.—The only geological paper in No. 2 is one by Dr. Guido Stache, On the palæozoic regions of the East Alps. The author describes in considerable detail the structure of the rock-masses forming the Alpine lands of Austria, and gives a coloured geological map of the regions described, and two plates of horizontal sections.—Amongst the mineralogical papers accompanying these numbers of the Jahrbuch may be noted one by Dr. Doelter, On the trachyte of the Siebenbürgischen metalliierous mountains, in which a number of analyses are given.—Herr Kalkowsky furnishes an account of the microscopy of the felsite and pechstein of Saxony.—A new mineral (Ludwigite) from Banat is described by Tschermak; and a Report of the volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that took place during last year, is given by C. W. Fuclis. The latter author furnishes a translation from the Swedish of Nauckhoff's paper On the occurrence of native iron in a basalt vein at Ovifak, in Greenland, in connection with which we note also a paper by the editor (Tschermak) On the meteorite-find in Greenland.

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