
PART 4 of vol. xxvi. of the Zeitschrift für Wissemchaftliche Zoologie (March, 1876) opens with a long communication from O. Biitschli on the free Nematodes and on the Gastrotrichous genus Chætonotus. He gives many additional particulars respecting forms already made known by Bastian and others. He comes to the conclusion that the Gastrotricha are intimately related to Dujardin's genus Echinoderes; and he combines them into a group Nematorhyncha. He then considers the relations of these forms to Vermes and Arthropods, and constructs a supposed phylogenetic tree. The paper is beautifully illustrated.— Dr. Hermann von Ihering has a controversial article on the development of Cyclas and the homology of the blastodermic layers in Mollusca. He especially calls in question the observations of Ray Lankester, Haeckel, and Ganin, and approves the modified form of the Gastræa theory no more than the original.—F. E. Helm describes in detail the silk-glands of Lepidoptera, and their retrogressive changes after full function. —Herbert Ludwig, giving an account of the formation of the blastoderm of spiders, states that his observations are in entire accordance with Haeckel's views.

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