
Rendieonto delle Sessioni dell' Accadentia delle Sdenze dell' Istituto di Bologna.—The more important papers read at the Academy during the academical year 1877-8 were the following:—On the metamorphosis of plants, by Prof. G. B. Ercolani. The author specially refers to the transformation of a cryptor gamous plant of the genus Uromyces into a phanerogamous dicotyledon, Cuscuta europæa L., and the return to the primitive cryptogamous form apparent in the seeds and branches of the Cusctita.—On the velocity of light in transparent magnetised bodies, by Prof. A. Right.—On the concentration of a magnetic solution near the pole of a magnet, by the same.—On the curves with equal normal principals, by Prof, A. Fais.—On some researches to ascertain whether from cadaverous matter, from albumen, or yolk of egg; volatile phosphoretted products are evolved, and on an excellent means of discovering free phosphorus in minute quantities, by Prof. Francesco Selmi.—Crystallographical researches, by Prof. Carlo Maragoni. The author describes some theoretical and experimental researches, and their application to the natural history of crystallised minerals.—Contributions to the flora of the Bolognese province, by Prof. Girolamo Cocconi.—Researches on the varying nature of the caloric emitted by various bodies heated to 100° C., by Prof. E. Villari.—On four species of noxious insects, inhabiting pines and birches, by G. Bertoloni.—On the calcareo-siliceous conglomerates of Sasso Cardo and of the Rio Fonti, and on the origin of pyrites, by Prof. Domenico Santagata.—Critical observations regarding some recent Italian crystallographical publications, by Prof. Luigt Bombieci.—On comparative psychogeny and the attempts to establish a zoopsychological classification, by Prof. Siciliani.—Note on a theorem in the theory of binary forms, by Prof. Francesco d'Areais.—Observations regarding the existence of rudiments of upper canine teeth and incisors in the embryos of oxen and sheep, by Dr. G. P. Piana.—Anatomy and physiology of Surilla Neapolitana, by Prof. Salvatore Trinchese.—On a problem in undetermined analysis occurring in the geometrical theory of the transformation of plane figures, by Prof. F. P. Ruffini.—Geometrical studies on the molecular equilibrium, by S. Canevazzi.—On some gigantic bird-remains, probably belonging to Aepyornis or Ruck, by Prof. G. Bianconi.—On the internal texture of the eye of Sphinx, by Prof. G. V. Ciaccio.—On the origin and structure of the humor vitreous, particularly in the embryos of the two first classes of vertebrates, by the same.—On the whale of Taranto and the Macleayius of the Paris Museum, by Prof. G. Cappellini.—On the emery from S. Lucca and Paderno, and its fossils, by Dr. Lodovico Foresti.—On the reticular structure of the red corpuscles in the blood of Torpedo, and of the nerve substance of frogs, by Prof. Salvatore Trinchese.—Researches on the central nervous system of Squilla Mentisy, by Dr. G, Bellonci.—Results of experiments made at the Royal Botanical Gardens of Bologna upon some species of Eucalyptus, and upon a new grass recently introdticed in Italy, by A. Bertoloni.—On the nerve ends in the skin of bat's wings, by Dr. Agostino Rossi.—On the formation of protoxide of iron in the metallic state in the wet way, by Prof. Francesco Selmi.

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