
THE Révue Scientifique, Nos. 33—42. The first article in these numbers is by Prof. Huxley, on Yeast.—The conclusion is arrived at of M. de Quatrefages' course of lectures on Anthropology, at the Museum of Natural History at Paris.—M. de Fonvielle contributes an article on Balloon Observations. In No. 34. M. Léon Le Fort, Professor to the Faculty of Medicine at Paris, furnishes an account of military surgery in the Austrian army.—Among the contributions from foreign sources is a report of M. Vogel's spectroscopic observations of the planets made in 1871 at the observatory of Bothkamp.—No. 35 contains an interesting lecture, delivered at the University of Friberg-in-Brisgau, by M. Ecker, on the struggle for existence in the character and in the life of nations.—In No. 36 is commenced a report, continued in subsequent numbers, of M. Claude Bernard's course of lectures at the College of France on Animal Heat. A translation is given of a paper by Prof. Harting, of Utrecht, on the artificial production of organic calcareous formations. There are also reports of the proceedings of English and other foreign scientific societies.—In No. 37 the most interesting paper is one by Dr. Onimus, on the consecutive phenomena attendant on the removal of the brain, and on the movements of rotation, illustrated with drawings of frogs and birds, on which the operation had been performed, to show the action.—No. 38 contains a report of Prof. Virchow's address to the Congress of German Naturalists and Physicians at Rostock, on Science in the national life of Germany. Sir William Thomson's paper on the Size of Atoms is translated from an early number of this journal. M. Papiilon has an article in support of M. Wurtz's aphorism, “Chemistry is a French science, constituted by Lavoisier,” in reply to English and German attacks.—No. 39 commences with an important article by M. P. Lorain, on Reform in the Higher Instruction. A translation is given of M. R. Woll's lecture at the University of Zurich on Solar Spots, and of Neumayer's paper contributed to the Vienna k, k. Geologische Reichsanstalt on the Jurassic Basins.—In No. 40 M. Le Fort supplements his previous paper by an additional one on Military Surgery in the Prussian army. This and the following number are partially filled with further reports of the Rostock meeting of German naturalists and physicians.—In No. 41 we find also a lecture by M. Lereboullet at the School of Military Health at Montpellier on the Spinal Column.—No. 42 contains a report of M. Blanchard's address to the Annual Congress of the Learned Societies of the Departments at the Sorbonne. M. Paul de Saint Robert contributes a paper with the suggestive title, “Qu'est ce que la force?” There are also a number of reports of the proceedings of foreign societies.

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