
The Neutron Scattering Laboratory at Serpong is equipped with three diffractometers: a powder diffractometer (PD), a four circle diffractometer/texture diffractometer (FCD/TD) and a high resolution powder diffractometer (HRPD). The powder diffractometer (PD) was the first instrument installed (1987) by JICA/Japan and is situated in the reactor experimental hall (XHR) of the multi-purpose reactor (RSG) GA Siwabessy. The two others were installed in 1992 under phase III of the Sumitomo project, together with other neutron scattering instruments. In 1995 the PD instrument was modified to allow for residual stress measurements (RSM) in collaboration with the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The detailed activities of this instrument are explained in elsewhere in this issue.

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