
2021 was declared the Year of Science and Technology by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 812 of December 25, 2020. The main purpose of its holding is the development of science and technology in our country. Support and improvement of the effectiveness of scientific research are directly related to libraries — scientific-research institutions. Within the framework of the Year of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation resumed the All-Russian competition of scientific works in the area of library science, bibliography and book studies, which took place in 1978—2014. The competition has established itself as one of the most effective methods of evaluating and encouraging the results of research work in librarianship. In 2021, it was organized and conducted by the National Library of Russia and the Russian State Library. On November 18, 2021, within the framework of the Annual Meeting of the Heads of federal and central regional libraries of Russia, the solemn awarding of the winners took place.In 2021, the jury of the competition considered 105 works (42 — in library science, 17 — in bibliography, 22 — in book studies, 24 works related to other categories). 150 authors from 41 subjects of the Russian Federation presented their works.The article presents in tabular form the winners in six nominations (“Best scientific work in the field of library science”; “Best scientific work in the field of bibliography science”; “Best scientific work in the field of book studies”; “Best scientific multimedia project”; “Best scientific work of regional libraries”; “Best scientific work of young specialist under the age of 35”). The article also presents the winners in additional nominations established by national libraries.The competition has shown significant scientific-research potential; and the materials presented are of great importance not only for the development of libraries and the branch as a whole, but also largely serve to solve social and humanitarian problems set out in the “Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy”, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 808 of December 24, 2014.It is advisable to consider the holding of the All-Russian competition of scientific papers in library science, bibliography and book studies in conjunction with other major scientific events in the library field that took place in 2021: publication of the collective monograph “Scientific research in libraries: topics, organization, presentation of results” and the International scientific and Practical Conference “Library science in the XXI century: content, organization, digitalization and scientometrics”. These events contributed to the support and development of science in librarianship in the framework of implementation of the “Strategy for the Development of Librarianship in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030”.

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