
THE ninth annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Commonwealth of Australia (Canberra: Government Printer, 1936. 4s. 8d.), covers the year ended June 30, 1935, and gives brief accounts of the work of the various divisions in which the work is organised. Weed problems are receiving a considerable share of attention, particularly on the entomological side, through the introduction and distribution of insects which attack the plants in other countries. Investigations are being initiated into contagious bovine mastitis, a serious disease prevalent in dairy herds throughout the world, and an attempt is being made to establish at a dairy farm near Melbourne a normal herd free from the disease. The rabbit pest and the testing of seeds continue to receive attention, and in addition to its investigations on weed pests, the Division of Economic Entomology has been investigating means of preventing the attack of sheep by blowflies. The Division of Animal Health has discovered new and more effective methods of administering anthelmintics for the control of internal parasites of sheep, while the Division of Animal Nutrition has studied the ‘coast disease’ of sheep, drought feeding and the processes of wool growth. Soil problems, timber preservation and seasoning, the preservation and transport of fruit and chilled beef have been investigated by other Divisions. Even the brief accounts of these investigations contained in the present report indicate that the work of the Council is making noteworthy contributions to the welfare of the basic industries and occupations of Australia.

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