
Since the fi rst presentation of sociometry by Jacob L. Moreno in 1932, there has been signi fi cant scienti fi c production in the fi eld. However scienti fi c production consists of many di ff erent activities, the core consists of scienti fi c publications. Th is study is evaluating scienti fi c publications as the core performance indicator of sociometry fi eld. Th e citations to these publications are also analyzed in the scope of impact generation. With combination of publications and citations, it analyses sociometry fi eld not as the source only, but also as generated impact environment. In addition, related fi elds of sociometry are analyzed within clusters as publication production and impact generation. Th is additional analyze has shown signi fi cant di ff erentiations between time periods, as well as fi eld distributions and research and impact generation trends. It is aimed that this study will illustrate if the production in sociometry is in increase, decline or stability phases and also to illustrate research areas characteristics.

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