
Introduction . Recently, there has been a cardinal restructuring of university preparation. Linguistic education takes up nearly the last position in the new model of the higher school dictated by economic interests. Investments in linguistic projects are considered as unprofitable today. The linguistic component in educational programs of a bachelor degree is reduced to a minimum, and focused on language knowledge promoting as communication technologies. The aim of the work purposes to trace how the scientific and the linguistic paradigm shift have an impact on the domestic linguistic education system, and to show the unrealized potential capacity of linguistic knowledge. Methodology and research methods . The methodology of the offered research is based, on the one hand, upon the domestic periodical press review on the linguistic education problems for the last 15 years, on the other – on the philosophical analysis of science historical forms which change has caused the past, the present and the future of linguistics and linguistic education. The inductive methods to integrate different approaches are also used. Theoretical significance. The author emphasizes the need to consider the problems of higher education in philosophical aspect, through the interaction of a scientific and educational paradigm. Results and scientific novelty . At a time of global changes in domestic higher education the linguistic education is considered to be a display of the convergence process of natural sciences, technology and humanities. The philosophical study of the scientific paradigms – classical, non-classical and post-non-classical has revealed the regularities of the linguistic scientific paradigms – structural, communicative and cognitive. Each of the paradigms was traced in the frame of linguistic education functions alternation and constantly changing academic programs. A new take on the U-turn of a centrifugal vector in science has obviously demonstrated the tendencies of the domestic linguistic education flimsiness: fundamental linguistic education tends to become popularized linguistic knowledge; there is no conception of linguistic education based on all the basic language functions. However, the author notes the natural language to be the most difficult, most multipurpose and multidimensional sign system. Language simultaneously performs various functions: a form, way, tool, and means of structuring and systematized description of knowledge. Artificial computer languages provide the speed and efficiency of storage, processing and information transfer, i.e. perform tool function support not being a means of thought broadcasting. Semantic information processing is carried out by linguists «manually»; therefore, fundamental linguistic knowledge is required in the fields of semantics, syntactics, pragmatics of the language sign, laws of linguistic nominations, laws of references, regularities of perception and reproduction, mechanisms of understanding and interpretation, etc. Practical significance . Philosophical conceptualization of a modern paradigm of scientific linguistic knowledge allows to draw a conclusion on the need of fundamental linguistic education support at the high level on behalf of preservation, realization and full development of all unique functions of a natural language as means of thinking and communication, a tool of information technologies and a sign system, and, at last, as a cultural phenomenon.


  • There has been a cardinal restructuring of university preparation

  • At a time of global changes in domestic higher education the linguistic education is considered to be a display of the convergence process of natural sciences, technology and humanities

  • The philosophical study of the scientific paradigms – classical, non-classical and post-non-classical has revealed the regularities of the linguistic scientific paradigms – structural, communicative and cognitive

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Цели публикации – проследить, каким образом смена общенаучной и лингвистической парадигм отразилась на состоянии отечественного лингвистического образования, и показать нереализованный потенциал знаний о языке. Д. Табанакова ра функций лингвистического образования и содержании образовательных программ. Смена центробежного вектора развития науки на центростремительный обусловила разрушение системы российского фундаментального лингвистического образования, что, в частности, выражается в отсутствии в рамках данного направления подготовки концепции, ориентированной на использование всех функций языка. Философское осмысление современной парадигмы научного лингвистического знания позволяет сделать вывод о необходимости поддержки фундаментального лингвистического образования на высоком уровне ради сохранения, реализации и полноценного развития всех уникальных функций естественного языка – как средства мышления, средства общения, как инструмента информационных технологий, как знаковой системы и, наконец, как феномена культуры. Ключевые слова: смена научной парадигмы, лингвистика, фундаментальное лингвистическое образование, функции языка.

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