
SelenoSource AF 2000 is a selenium-containing inactivated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC R645) enriched during the fermentation process with selenium, intended to be used as nutritional additive for all animal species and categories. Saccharomyces cerevisiae qualifies per se for Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS); however, the FEEDAP Panel retains that, in this case, the mixture of selenocompounds in the additive is the subject of the evaluation, therefore the QPS approach does not apply. In the absence of data specific to the additive under consideration, and the very limited published data made available by the applicant on the tolerance of animal species to selenised yeast, the FEEDAP Panel is unable to conclude on the safety of SelenoSource AF 2000 in target animals. The FEEDAP Panel reiterates its former conclusion that the use of any selenised yeast would result in similar selenium deposition in animal tissues and products. To ensure consumer safety from consumption of tissues and products of animals treated with SelenoSource AF 2000, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that dietary selenium supplementation from this additive, as for other selenised yeasts, should not exceed a maximum of 0.2 mg Se/kg complete feed. In the absence of relevant information, the FEEDAP Panel could not assess the safety for the user. The use of SelenoSource AF 2000 in feed does not pose a additional risk to the environment, compared to other sources of selenium for which it will substitute. Based on the response of glutathione peroxidase activity and tissue/product deposition of selenium in poultry and pigs, the FEEDAP Panel considers SelenoSource AF 2000 an effective source of selenium for all species. © European Food Safety Authority, 2011

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