
This scientific opinion reports on an evaluation of an application (reference EFSA-GMO-RX-MON863[8.1.b/20.1.b]) for renewal of the authorisation for continued marketing of existing feed materials, feed additives and food additives produced from genetically modified (GM) insect resistant maize MON863. Maize MON863 has been modified with a gene encoding the Cry3Bb1 protein which confers protection against coleopteran pests, principally the corn rootworm (Diabrotica spp.). In addition, a selectable marker gene npt II encoding neomycin phosphotransferase II has been introduced. In 2004 the EFSA GMO Panel issued scientific opinions on a Notification for the placing on the market of GM maize MON863 for import and processing and on a request from the European Commission for the placing on the market of foods and food ingredients derived from GM maize MON863. In delivering the present opinion, the EFSA GMO Panel considered the information provided in the application EFSA-GMO-RX-MON863[8.1.b/20.1.b] as well as additional information provided by the applicant and information published in the scientific literature. The new data in the application included bioinformatic analyses using updated databases which confirmed that no relevant similarities exist between the newly expressed proteins and known allergens or proteins toxic to mammals. The EFSA GMO Panel has evaluated the new information provided by the applicant and the scientific literature and concluded that there was no new information that would require changes of its previous scientific opinions on maize MON863 (EFSA, 2004a,b). Therefore, the EFSA GMO Panel reiterates its previous conclusions that GM maize MON863 and its products which are the subject of this application are unlikely to have an adverse effect on human and animal health or the environment in the context of its intended uses (EFSA, 2004a,b).

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