
The EFSA GMO Panel previously assessed the two single events that are combined to produce soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788 and did not identify safety concerns. No new data on these single events, leading to a modification of the original conclusions on safety, were identified. The molecular, agronomic, phenotypic and compositional data on soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788 did not give rise to safety concerns. The Panel considers that there is no reason to expect interactions between the single events to impact on food and feed safety. There were no concerns regarding the potential toxicity or allergenicity of soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788, and no evidence that the genetic modification significantly changes the overall allergenicity. Because of the lack of data on dietary exposure to refined bleached deodorised oil from soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788, the EFSA GMO Panel could not complete the human health and nutrition assessment. There are no concerns regarding the use of feedingstuffs derived from defatted toasted MON 87769 × MON 89788 soybean meal. There are no indications of an increased likelihood of establishment and spread of feral soybean plants. Potential interactions of soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788 with biotic and abiotic environments were not considered relevant to this application. The unlikely, but theoretically possible, transfer of recombinant genes from soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788 to environmental bacteria is not of safety concern. The post-market environmental monitoring plan and reporting intervals conform with the scope of this application. In conclusion, the Panel could not complete the food and feed safety assessment of soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788 because of the lack of an appropriate nutritional assessment. The Panel concludes that soybean MON 87769 × MON 89788 is unlikely to have adverse effects on the environment in the context of application EFSA-GMO-NL-2010-85.

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