
There have been unexpected and alarmingcolony losses in different regions of the world in thepast few years (reviewed in Oldroyd, 2007; EFSA,2008; see also vanEngelsdorp et al., 2008). Concur-rent with those in the US, high colony losses alsowerereportedinTurkey(Girayetal.,2007). Healthof honey bees in Turkey is of general importance,both because of native honey bee biodiversity (seeBodur et al., 2007; reviewed in Kence, 2006)anda high number of domestic colonies (>5 million;FAOSTAT, 2008), which is second only to China.We investigated the extent and causes of losses inTurkey using a questionnaire study, which was con-ducted in 2007 and covered the three previous years.This report includes analyses of 288 question-naires reporting on 35597 colonies and, in contrastwith a preliminary report (88 questionnaires; Girayet al., 2007), provides a broad representation ofgeographical regions, a better estimate of regionalcolony losses, and novel insights such as on colonycollapse disorder (CCD) symptoms and losses.Questionnaires were collected through an aca-demic and trade journal for beekeeping (U. BeeJ.), local beekeeping organizations, their field repre-sentatives, the internet, and Turkish mail. Returnedquestionnaires (see supplemental information S1)included names and contacts of beekeepers. The re-sults were coded and analyzed by different authorsCorresponding author: T. Giray,tgiray2@yahoo.com*Manuscript editor: David TarpyOnline material is available at:http://www.apidologie.orgto maintain blindness and confidentiality. Statisticalanalyses were performed using JMP

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