
One of success indicators on educational process is the achievement of students in scientific literacy competency. We can identify the profile of students’ scientific literacy by giving them a test using scientific questions. The purpose of this research is to reveal student scientific literacy competency based on question formats in biology topics. The research took place at SMAN 10 Padang. The sample of this research were 44 grade X students. Sample collection method used was simple random sampling. The questions were taken from The Programme for International Student Assesment (PISA)’s E-Book (Take the Test: Sample Question From OECD’s PISA Assessment). PISA questions consist of three question formats including 48 objective questions, 5 compound questions, and 10 essay questions. We found that student scientific literacy scores from objective, compound, and essay questions formats are 50.66%, 35.91%, and 42, 72% respectively. The average of student scientific literacy competency score based on question formats is 43, 9%. The average score category is very low. In testing the students’ scientific literacy competency based on question formats, it was revealed that students are easier to answer objective questions than other question formats.

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