
Introduction. The objective of the paper is to analyze scientific journals published in the post-Soviet states, as well as to identify the role of scientific journals in the information and analytical support for the adoption and implementation of decisions related to the management of scientific activities and socio- economic processes in countries and regions. Analysis of scientific journals based on a set of indicators will make it possible to identify the place of these publications in the national and international information space. Materials and Methods. The authors have analyzed available information about scientific journals published in the post-Soviet states and indexed by Scopus and Web of Science as well as information about such journals given on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, data from the website of the Russian Science Citation Index and information from the official websites of the journals and from other sources. To obtain quantitative indicators related to the journals, standard means of search engines provided by the abovementioned resources were used. Data on the population of the countries and the number of researchers in them were taken from official statistics. Results. Data about the number of journals published in the post-Soviet states and indexed by Scopus, Web of Science and the Russian Science Citation Index, as well as those included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia have been analyzed. Information on the publication activities of authors from the post-Soviet states has been evaluated as absolute and relative indicators. A number of common features of the editorial policies and practical activities of the considered journals have been identified as well as their approaches to the use of publication languages, to the issue of translated editions, to the formation of editorial boards and to the involvement of national and foreign authors. Discussion and Conclusion. Electronic repositories of scientific information play a crucial role in the formation of international and national scientific spaces. The materials presented in this article may be useful for coping with research tasks related to scientific periodicals as well as to support decision-making by heads of scientific units, editorial and publishing complexes.


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Ensuring the safety of medicines is the basis for the existence and functioning of any pharmacovigilance system as a type of activity aimed at obtaining and processing information about the undesirable consequences of the use of medicines. Исследование особенностей функционирования систем фармаконадзора в странах – участницах международной программы мониторинга безопасности лекарственных средств позволило выделить несколько типов организации сбора информации о нежелательных реакциях лекарственных средств: централизованный, децентрализованный и смешанный. Такой тип организации системы фармаконадзора представлен, например, в США, где все контролирующие функции в сфере оборота лекарственных средств возложены на Управление по санитарному надзору за качеством пищевых продуктов и медикаментов (Food and Drug Administration, FDA), которое является одним из федеральных исполнительных департаментов Министерства здравоохранения и социальных служб США. Основой функционирования централизованной системы фармаконадзора в США является программа MedWatch, позволяющая специалистам здравоохранения, пациентам и потребителям предоставлять в FDA информацию о нежелательных реакциях, возникающих при применении рецептурных и безрецептурных лекарственных средств, особенностях применения биологических препаратов, специальных пищевых продуктов (например, детских питательных смесей), а также о медицинских приборах и косметологических средствах. The centralized type of organization of the pharmacovigilance system exemplified by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Рейтинг инновационных экономик – 2019
О Стратегии национальной безопасности Российской Федерации
Implementation of Scenario 4 in the Republic of Mordovia
Academia and Communities
Sources of information about the Republic of Crimea for respondents
11. International Media Image of Russia
13 Об утверждении Порядка осуществления фармаконадзора
Pharmacovigilance in Europe
22. Stimulated Reporting
Organizational Culture and the Implementation of Person Centered Care
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